When he says HAR?! (in a deep tone)
Hmm! WHy never do tutorial? You go ____ again!?
That's my ricky
You want to dig your butt and smell it?
After maths MUG and MUG physics for the first time of my live i'm actually reading physics THANKS to kiat man cos at night got tuition and i don't wanna feel like a total loser so i had no choice but to read up a little bit on EM and EMI and turn out that the teacher was so holy shit pro cos her tys was totally empty and she could answer any questions u shoot at her instantly and describe so detailed and stuff and even conjure 3 methods of deriving any equation in the EM and EMI topics lar WTH I WANNA SUPPORT STEM CELL RESEARCH MAN and extract her physics cells to implant in mine for that 1 month of A lvls so I could frigging PASS!!! =/ what a lousy dream...
AND after physics tuition i wanted to DAO KIAT for da rest of my life cos of a petty little thing (wev) and so i thought i saw him going home so i went to the toilet, then i came out of the cubicle WTF he was camping in the next cubicle and suddenly boo! and said HI WTF. JUST STUNNED. zzz stalker. What a lan peng you zzz...
OH YA and after the physics tuition I realised HOW LOUSY MY PHYSICS IS/WAS cos all my concepts are like totally screwed and opposite of the real thing. No wonder i've never passed before unlike some ppl :(
After mugging in the afternoon went mambo billards!!! WTF I SWEAR IM GOING BACK there to pool forever!
1) The table is damn zai, the clothe rocks it's not the insert coin type of table
2) The sticks rock! cos they have lightweight sticks for the not so muscular ppl like me and they have the usual heavy ones for the muscular like DING
3) THEY HAVE WTF CHEAP student price of 5.80 i think per hour everyday!!! WHERE TO FIND LAR CINE IS LIKE 8-10 bucks WTF
4) Everybody around you are pros wtf. All the tables playing are all pros. They even have instructors to teach u how to play professionally lol.
5) The air con is damn swee.
6) The tables are ALL 9 feet :D goodbye to the lousy 7feet tables when you hit hard the balls just masse into the air and yao into other ppl's tables
7) The auntie is damn uber friendly =D
9) The balls have no frigging dents and don't roll in an S path when you hit straight.
WAHAHAHAHAH so many reasons! ALL the more shld go. BTP ROCKS :D and ding rocks even more cos mount ding is damn sexxah when he plays pool. What a fold mountain! chang boon was WTF ALSO Dr Heng i mean. ps. if got zhabors around Dr. Heng sure damn zai one.
OH YAH AND THE NTUC finest at BTP ROXXORS! IT's so frigging big between every shelf you can push 3-4 trolleys lar wth. They waste so much space budden still can sell so many things just imagine how big. And there's something about the NTUC that makes DING AND boonie-chan so charged up wtf. I just touch them accidentally ZAH! static damn frigging pain realli got sparks come out one.
I wished i had the courage to just look at you longer
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