Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall 2011 Games

Tales of Xillia

Japanese version is out. Standard jrpg. English version coming out but tba.


I've been dreaming about this game lol. Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion was good. Skyrim will be better.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lo and Behold

The lump behind my head isn't a tumour says the MRI scan and CT scan. But instead it's a response to a viral paranasal sinusitis infection in its acute state. So the peripheral vertigo during NS was actually a symptom of chronic sinusitis, and now a full-blown infection. Guess i'll be seeing an ENT specialist this week.


ENT doctor did a scope through my nose to throat. My nose bone is crooked so it blocked more than half of the left hole. Isn't such a serious problem afterall :D

So what causes aging?

Doubt on aging gene
According to the initial study, oxidative stress, a proposed culprit in mitochondria’s mechanism of aging, did not seem to be a factor in aging. The aging process is affected only by caloric restriction, and oxidative stress actually decreased. But it does seems like it's not true after all. Incidentally, animals that breathe slower lives longer as well.

Einstein might be wrong

It's not confirmed yet, but the CERN produced neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light which is 3E8 m/s. And so teleportation might actually come true :D
Was Einstein Wrong?
Sciencemag version

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Extinction of Dinosaurs

Extinction of dinosaurs confirmed due to K-T event (Cretaceous-Tertiary Event) or the Chicxulub impact by an asteroid. Crater location is Mexico. Due to frreezing temperatures and 0 sunlight, autotrophs making food from sunlight died, and other organisms higher in the food chain died off due to hunger. If this event that occurred about 65million years ago did wipe out every living organism, there is no way humans evolved from scratch within 65million years based on the accepted theory of abiogenesis. Following the panspermia theory however, this can happen but panspermia is only a postulation, just like abiogenesis. Wiki's description of the event

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ancestors of Humans

Maybe we did "evolve" from apes, or maybe a better word is mutate. The distant ancestor of modern humans

Big News About Small Particles. And Why You Care

So maybe the Big Bang theory might be right after all. But where does this matter and anti-matter originate from anyway? From nothing? Big News About Small Particles. And Why You Care

Scientists Find a Star Wars World: One Planet, Two Suns

Our solar system was formed from a swirling nebula (huge gas cloud). Just like a ice skater on ice, the rotational movement caused the formation of the solar system in a horizontal plane with a single heated core, the sun and rapid cooling in the outer orbits. This planet with two suns pose a threat to the current accepted theory. Scientists Find a Star Wars World: One Planet, Two Suns

Lost in Electronica

A good article recommended by my uncle on where the human mind revolution is heading towards; a common phenomenon of today's society. Lost in Electronica