Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Singapore arhhhh!

LOL. Suddenly feel very nationalistic pissed with the country. Past few days I kept seeing some advertisement on pollution of air at bustops, saying one passenger car max can take 4 people, while a bus blah blah blah, hence if you take bus, the carbon dioxide emitted per person is sooooooo much less. WOW, sounds reasonable. BUT wait... Now that i commute everyday home from work at the police academy bus stop, and that i've got 2 buses to take, it should be pretty awesome that i will reach home early. But since school reopened, omgzzz, 6pm wait until 6.45pm the buses all pass still full till the front door and people board from back door. That's like if you count, 10 buses, but no only got 3 buses... 30 min per bus... since i got 2 buses. WALAU government ask ppl to commute public vehicles, then so cui one ar cannot even board... I WILL LEARN DRIVING!

Some funny things about Singaporeans :D
1) Complain weather hot but still bathe in heater
2) Sleep in cold cold air con then cover blanket tight tight
3) Complain ERP so expensive but still travel like nobody's business (PIE got one latest 4 dollar ERP for car and 6 dollars for trucks OMG LAR)
4) Super hates traffic jams but when got accident slow down and see until whole expressway not moving at all
