Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beyond Human

Vitas Opera No. 2

Although it's of a different language, and the chorus does not have a single word, but it's damn nice. This is music.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Beta 5 Battle of the Ascended is out today till Saturday. And I'm also getting Sid Meier's Civilization V. Bu Yong Du De.

Depends how beta 5 goes, I might actually purchase the game. LOL. Of course, priority in studying comes first. This could be the last time in life i'll be studying.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


it is one of the best game after WOW and Aion online although some people thinks that aion is better. In terms of interface, graphics, gameplay, quests, job system (soul trees) and rifting + invasions, RIFT hasn't failed in any aspects.

I wish i could play of course, but it releases on 1st March, while the pre-release is on 24th Feb. Well uni exams are around the early April corner, no time to play. Also, there is less need or want to play nowadays I've realised the false sensation gaming gives. People are hooked onto it due to a false sense of achievement that can't be attained in real life, but yet actually isn't any big deal cuz everybody who plays the game attains it anyway. Anonymity as well, although wanting to be anonymous but people want to feel great by publicizing their achievements yet hiding behind a fake name. Uncertainty and randomness are also what people seek in life. Surely life is boring if it is predictable, so gaming tackles uncertainty and randomness very well in terms of drops and spawntimes/locations and events.

But who knows what will happen after the exams LOL

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

RIFT releases on 1 March 2011. can't play sigh... if it released 2 months later...