Tennis was damn funny. Cos jun yu was damn XU WEI PUI! He basically ZAH'ed his way through his balls all got spin and he did so many drop shots and even won while playing in the toilet lar wth! ZAH!. Ke lian the daphne could only get thrashed lol by the XU WEI jophren. HAHAHA.
Bowling was damn funny! Cos JY found a foolproof method to make the ball straight haha. Cos apparently the bowling ball won't roll straight. So he swing the ball damn slow omg and it went straight BUT it took like 10498718419891 hours to hit the pins lol. The power so weak lar and still can strike WTF! XU WEI PUI! ZAH!!!!
And i realise i have no time to play dota wtf. it's like so busy on com only got time to afk wtf. can't even dota. and nobody to dota with me :( wth cos everybody is MUGGING!!!
HAHA and after the ermerm incident, toilet trips have become so humorous lol. And jy was saying if i ermerm R*****'s ermerm, who is the chou wen lol haha.
And chem H4 was damn funny. Fehling is always so fun!!! no wonder weixiang sees her so often lol. We walked into the class room with the fehling's signature squiggling move haha and fehling gave us that damn kawaii expression lol. then HAHA AND i we were liu liu liu kang di~~~~ liu liu liu~~~~~ deng deng dengdengdengdengdengdengdengdeng!!!! then i imagined fehling dancing the dance and squiggling and cannot stop laughing hahahaha HAMSTER DANCE deeepadidididididoe hahaha!!! LAugh so much until now headache. SWeeee....
yo we have a national badminton team coach in our class yo!
kawaii ne!!!
legs of an angel
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