Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's over

It's OVER everything we've been studying for finally come to an end. No more lessons and revert to the days of slacking and play. It's kind of a mixed feeling like what jun yu say cos our last paper was a paper 1 so we didn't really feel that uplifted. but this also mark the START of another stage of life, a period of life that could be fun or tied down and bore. What's living about? It seems everything we work for is so much result-driven. But what can we do this is Singapore. Sometimes we miss out the most fun part it all, the process. Of course not the mugging part but the normal days of school. It's kind of a transtition now i guess, for we're no longer so teen but not longer so old, what's our entity, like wearing formal clothes seem weird but wearing punky clothes seem quite inappropiate while walking the isles of intimidating huge doors of big brand shops.

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