Friday, June 29, 2007

Ggfied maths and Ggfied chem. The 2pid alanine question is so frigging hard i'll hate the setter forever and the maths was like the longest paper ever. WTF is to conjecture your own answer before doing mathematical induction to prove it wtf means if i prove it's wrong and gg i must conjecture AGAIN hahahahahahahahah and all these for only 3 + 4 marks i think. wtf. And the rest of the paper were about the same difficulty and it's only 3 marks worth of effort wtf?. SO bian tai.

Anw watched transformers, oh well it's a 2 star show, but it was rather nice. I realised different people looked for different things in the movie in a sense that dif ppl like dif stuffs yeah.

Just like Yenny likes ugly betty, so he was hoping there were more appearance-deprived horizontally-challenged people in the movie but there wasn't =D
Just like Chee likes chiobus, so he was quite sad the whole movie cos there were only robots.
Just like Daphne and Gwayrong like the sports channel esp. tennis, so it was quite sad as there was no tennis involved in the movie
Just like JunYu always like a beautiful plot in a movie, so as transformers had quite anticlimatic scenes and ending it was quite saddening too.

But hey, someone did enjoy. Ding Hong lol. I dno kee guan, but since he likes mahjong, maybe he likes hong kong movies. lol

Ding Hong likes Hellsing and Gunslinger stuff. Transformers is about guns and ammos. Ding Hong is as guns and ammos as transformers.

ella ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh

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